A Ruby in God's Vault????

Second -- I was writing these blogs on my "myspace" account. Now, let me be clear -- I ABHOR myspace. I think that in a perfect sinless environment it may be a nice feature, but in our flawed, sinful world it has been used to promote some of the most filthy things I've ever seen. So, why am I on it? B/c my girls are on it...and I want to watch out for them. Many of my girls have chosen to use their myspace accounts to glorify the Lord...and for that I am so thankful. But some are still using them to glorify themselves, which is our natural tendency! And no matter who they are glorifying, these girls are clicks away from filth, sin, and sinful people who want to hurt them. So I have stayed on myspace, and thought the blog would be a positive aspect of it. But then I found out that only myspace members can read your blogs, and the LAST thing I want to do is to encourage someone to join myspace. So it was necessary to move the blog to a more neutral site. Hence why I have created this blog.
Why is it entitled "A Ruby in God's Vault"? This is my latest visual picture of single women...and it comes from Proverbs 31:10 -- " A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." If you were to go into Tiffany's and ask to see their most precious piece of jewerly. Would they motion you to the counter, and show you a piece that has been laid out for everyone to touch, try on, etc? NO--they would first most likely ascertain whether or not you had the means to even purchase such a piece. Then once it was deemed that you were actually a viable customer, they would go into the back and bring out a priceless piece from the vault--a Ruby that would sparkle and you couldn't take your eyes off of it. That is how we single women should be living our lives. Being content and happy in God's vault--knowing full well that there are pieces that are out in the showroom that are getting the attention we so desire, being ooed and ahhed and tried on, and maybe even being taken home with someone. But that is ok...b/c when God finally has prepared our future husband, and he's ready to ask for us, the time spent in the vault being polished, and worked on and being protected by God will be so worth it! And if no such "buyer" ever comes to retrieve us from the vault, are we still not an incredibly valuable jewel? We have lost NO value, but just serve a different purpose in our lives spent glorifying the Lord!!!
I love this illustration. For someone who "escaped" the vault for years, I am so happy to have come back home! I am praying that God can work a miracle in me, cleaning me up to be a beautiful Ruby...b/c my time spent out on the "counter", pursuing my own selfish desires, certainly did a number on my beauty. I am praying that I am totally satisfied with remaining in the vault until the Lord has polished and refined me into the Proverbs 31 woman and finds a husband that is prepared to handle such a "gem" (and I say that loosely as sometimes I can be quite a handful!). Of course if it would please God for me to remain in the vault for this lifetime, then I must rest in the fact that I am still a valuable jewel to the Lord, and be excited to see how He will use me in his singleness to glorify Him. That will be something that will take a lot of prayer I know!
So--that is the reason for the title. My prayer is that this Blog will cause my girls to think...it may even make them mad sometimes...and that is ok!!!! My goal is to glorify the Lord through whatever is written in this Blog and use only ONE authority--and that is scripture. So as I write some thoughts, observations and maybe even some suggestions, realize that these are my views based on God's word--you can always question my views, and in fact I welcome it! But God's word is unquestionable, and I pray that my views will continue to be in line with His Word!!
One last thought--I am NOT a writer...so bear with me. This will not be eloquent..it will certainly not have any of the style of so many blogs that I read...but it will be real :)
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