Monday, July 24, 2006

Don't be the "test drive"

I was reading a blog today, and it was sooo good, that I had to share it. This particular article was actually more geared to single Christian men, but the concept can go both ways. The author, Michael Lawrence, wrote a blog entitled, "Stop Test-Driving Your Girlfriend". The article starts of with the question "How do I know if she is the right one". I won't retype the article, but will paste the link below so that you can read it yourself. But I can't help but think that so many of the principles in this article can be tweaked just a bit and apply to us girls!

One statement that comes out loud and clear is to NOT look for the perfect man, as you will NEVER be the perfect woman! Be praying for a man who will spur you to become more and more Christlike. This means, if a few years down the road (since I'm speaking to my high school small group, and we all know I' m not encourging them to "get involved" right now), a young man wants to pursue a relationship with you, and you find that once in this relationship you are spending less time with God, less time with your family and godly friends, less time at church building relationships and being fed, THEN YOU ARE WITH THE WRONG MAN!

I think the other key message is in the statement, "Stop looking for the right man, and start becoming the right woman!". Too many times, myself included, we are focused on looking for that right man. I cannot tell you how many times well-meaning people encourage me to find a church that has more single men..."honey you'll never find one, if your not around them". Well..I think I'm in exactly the right church...b/c its not about being AROUND single men, it's about being UNDER Godly teaching! And I am so thankful that I am at the church that I am!

Here is the rest of the article...I find it very interesting and encouraging...


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9:33 AM  

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